Juxtapoz Magazine – Sheltering in Place: The View Outside Hayahisa Tomiyasu’s Window

Juxtapoz Magazine – Sheltering in Place: The View Outside Hayahisa Tomiyasu’s Window

Navel gazing can get a little old, so, in the coming weeks (months?), as we find ourselves counting the hours till lunchtime on the sofa, we look for…

Link: https://www.juxtapoz.com/news/photography/sheltering-in-place-the-view-outside-hayahisa-tomiyasu-s-window/

Today we look to the view outside Hayahisa Tomiyasu’s window. For five years the photographer documented the scenes that unfolded around a ping-pong table outside of his apartment Leipzig, Germany. We see the table used as a sun bed, a laundry counter, a kid’s jungle gym, an exercise site, a family lunch spot, a refuge from busy streets, everything except for the game it was made for. Thanks to Tomiyasu’s sustained patience and curiosity we observe the idiosyncrasies of human behaviour and social habits, as seasons change, scenes mutate and people come and go.