A Hundred Stories | By Michelle Ma – burn magazine

A Hundred Stories | By Michelle Ma

A Hundred Stories | By Michelle Ma Qinglian, who worked as a chemistry professor in southern regions of China, suffered under cancer caused by radiation. She passed away when my father was 18 years…

via burn magazine: https://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2021/10/a-hundred-stories-by-michelle-ma/

In my project, A Hundred Stories, I photographed dwellers, strangers, and family relatives living in Southern China to regions of north bordering Russia. I also intertwined modified images with family archives. Taking photographs of my hometown has given me a chance to reflect on people whom I have not valued. I found that these people, who lives in a different time from the real world, and those who live in a fast-developing city, share the same mind-set. The silent wind of time has continued to blow. The process brought me a strange feeling of satisfaction, which only a hundred stories can reveal.