Tag: Harvey Wang

  • Pathways from Darkroom to Digital – The New Yorker

    Pathways from Darkroom to Digital – The New Yorker

    Pathways from Darkroom to Digital Eight renowned photographers discuss how they’ve navigated technological changes in the medium. via The New Yorker: http://www.newyorker.com/culture/photo-booth/adapting-to-the-digital-revolution In a new book, “From Darkroom to Daylight,” Harvey Wang interviews fellow-photographers and other renowned photo-world professionals about their experiences navigating technological changes in the medium. Some, such as Sally Mann, have continued to rely…

  • Harvey Wang’s Neighborhood Chronicle

    Lens Harvey Wang was a young photographer when he moved into a fifth-floor Chinatown walk-up in 1979. It was an easy bike ride from the East Village clubs where he took pictures of strobe-lit dance floors and bohemian debauchery — and besides, rent was only $140 a month.