Tel Aviv Express By Alexander Bronfer “Tel Aviv express” was filmed during my evening walks in the Tel Aviv and Negev desert area. Of course, these places are completely different from …
The Art of the Personal Project is a crucial element to let potential buyers see how you think creatively on your own. I am drawn to personal projects that have an interesting vision or that show …
I was confronted with three parts of a mental soundtrack while paging through Thiago Dezan’s new book When I Hear The That Trumpet Sound (Selo Turvo, 2021, ed. 200). The first track based on title and the book’s black endpapers and the ominous black cover
The heat wave that swept the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada in late June was an extraordinary disaster. A mass of high-pressure air over the region trapped heat there, creating a “heat dome”—a term that recurred in news coverage. In Oregon, power
Contemporary American society has been monitoring itself in ways that destabilize our sense of well being. Sites and apps like Nextdoor and the Citizen come into our homes to remind us that all is not well in the world, in fact, there is a knife wielding
Photographer Vinca Petersen recounts how a movement born of music and hedonism quickly became a vehicle for civil disobedience and defiance of authority.
Every few years, The Olympics marks one of the few moments in history where the entire world can come together. It’s truly an incredible moment in time and these 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo are no different. With so many images swirling around, it’s important to remember that visual storytelling plays a major role in…
Exceptional new street photography is the focus of a new exhibition in Paris that features 30 women photographers from 20 countries — here’s a generous preview of 7 artists from the show
Awash with lush, rich imagery and poetic text, Rebecca Norris Webb’s book Night Calls, published by Radius Books, is a gorgeous homage to her 99-year old physician father and to Rush County, Indiana – the small, rural county where both were born and raise
Recognized for his poignant series of images of the pandemic, the award-winning photojournalist talks to EL PAÍS about disability and the role of photography in society
Photographer Ted Lau recalls his trip to the DPRK where he went to shoot the spectacular Grand Mass Games, and to offer a glimpse inside the daily life of the state’s residents.
The past few decades have been unkind to photo magazines. Many industry stalwarts have gone defunct, while others have moved to online editions only. Ironically, many photographers still believe in the photographic print, even though they might contend th