Category: News

  • Quiet Riot Speaks Out Against Nation's Poor Metal Health Care



    many metal health plans no longer cover rudimentary procedures such as girls rocking their boys Link: Quiet Riot Speaks Out Against Nation’s Poor Metal Health Care | America’s Finest News Source

  • Military thwarted president seeking choice in Afghanistan

    Military thwarted president seeking choice in Afghanistan


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    Military thwarted president seeking choice in Afghanistan Link: President Obama was on edge. For two exhausting months, he had been asking military advisers to give him a range of options for the war in Afghanistan. Instead, he felt that they were steering him toward one outcome and thwarting his search for an exit plan.…

  • Above the Law – Russia Uses Microsoft to Suppress Dissent –

    Above the Law – Russia Uses Microsoft to Suppress Dissent –



    Russia Uses Microsoft to Suppress Dissent One of the authorities’ new tactics for quelling dissent in Russia is confiscating computers under the pretext of searching for pirated Microsoft software. Link: authorities are receiving key assistance from an unexpected partner: Microsoft itself. In politically tinged inquiries across Russia, lawyers retained by Microsoft have staunchly backed…

  • Mike Tyson's 'biggest regret' is not smoking weed with Tupac Shakur

    Mike Tyson's 'biggest regret' is not smoking weed with Tupac Shakur

    Mike Tyson’s ‘biggest regret’ is not smoking weed with Tupac Shakur Jody Cortes / Boxing legend Mike Tyson’s biggest regret in life is refusing to smoke weed with late pal Tupac Shakur before he died. The former professional fighter struck up a close… via Daily Dish: “He always wanted me to smoke weed…

  • Seized – LA Weekly



    Maria was drifting off to sleep on the bedroom floor. She could hear women getting raped in the next room. But she didn’t hear screams — she heard the laughter of male guards. The women had been drugged, as had Maria when she walked into the house. The guards forced her to swallow a red…

  • Hillary Clinton Drags Taliban Leader's Body Through Streets Of Kabul | America's Finest News Source

    Hillary Clinton Drags Taliban Leader’s Body Through Streets Of Kabul

  • Oil company owner's aggressive memos from late 1970s – Boing Boing

    Oil company owner's aggressive memos from late 1970s – Boing Boing



    Oil company owner’s aggressive memos from late 1970s Letters of Note presents the Tiger Oil Memos. Thank goodness someone had the foresight to save them. From the offices of the now-defunct but at one time Houston-based Tiger Oil Company come a total… via Boing Boing: “Do not speak to me when you see me.…

  • Death to All Juice | Know Your Meme



    Over a year later in June 2010, Carlos Almonte and his friend Mohamed Alessa were arrested by the federal authorities at the JFK International Airport, who allegedly sought to fly to Somalia and join an Islamist insurgent group. Link: Death to All Juice | Know Your Meme

  • Surprise! Feds stored thousands of checkpoint body scan images after all – Boing Boing

    Surprise! Feds stored thousands of checkpoint body scan images after all – Boing Boing



    Surprise! Feds stored thousands of checkpoint body scan images after all US agencies have long defended the use of body scanning devices at airports with the promise that all images will be discarded as soon as security staff have viewed them. Last summer, the TSA claim… via Boing Boing:

  • Wikileaks releases classified Afghanistan war logs: "largest intelligence leak in history"

    Wikileaks releases classified Afghanistan war logs: "largest intelligence leak in history"


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    Wikileaks releases classified Afghanistan war logs: “largest intelligence leak in history” An archive of classified U.S. military logs spanning six years, more than 91,000 documents, and 200,000 pages, was today made available by WikiLeaks. The papers show a picture of the war in Afghani… via Boing Boing: An archive of classified U.S. military logs…

  • The War Logs –

    The War Logs –

    The War Logs – WikiLeaks Documents Link: A trove of military documents made public on Sunday by an organization called WikiLeaks reflects deep suspicions among American officials that Pakistan’s military spy service has for years guided the Afghan insurgency with a hidden hand, even as Pakistan receives more than $1 billion a year from…

  • Sierra Leone Diamond Miner Devastated By News Of Broken-Off Engagement



    Standing waist-deep in one of the many gravel pits that surround the city of Kenema, and struggling to fight off the harsh African sun, local diamond miner Muwomba D’akari was deeply saddened Monday to learn of Linda Hines and David Meyer’s recently canceled wedding engagement. Link: Sierra Leone Diamond Miner Devastated By News Of Broken-Off…

  • PDNPulse: Kim Komenich: Pulitzer Winner, Superhero. What Next?



    Komenich locked the would-be robber up from behind with a bear hug–a “well-intentioned bear hug,” he says–and held on until police to arrive. Link: PDNPulse: Kim Komenich: Pulitzer Winner, Superhero. What Next?

  • American Airlines Now Charging Fees To Non-Passengers



    The fees, the latest introduced by American Airlines in a continuing effort to combat its financial woes, will take effect on Monday. According to company officials, these charges will include a $25 tax on citizens traveling with any other airline, as well as a mandatory $30 surcharge for passengers who decide to just stay home…

  • Human-flesh Search Engines in China –

    Human-flesh Search Engines in China –

    China’s Cyberposse Internet users are hunting down and punishing people who have attracted their wrath. Link: “This is not a human,” wrote BrokenGlasses, a user on Mop, a Chinese online forum. “I have no interest in spreading this video nor can I remain silent. I just hope justice can be done.” That first post…

  • Sarkozy describes France's 'blindness' to genocide in Rwanda –

    Sarkozy describes France's 'blindness' to genocide in Rwanda –



    Sarkozy describes France’s ‘blindness’ to genocide in Rwanda Link: France made serious errors in judgment over the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and wants to ensure that all those responsible for the slaughter are caught and punished, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Thursday.

  • A family and a conscience, destroyed by North Korea's cruelty –

    A family and a conscience, destroyed by North Korea's cruelty –



    A family and a conscience, destroyed by North Korea’s cruelty Link: “I am fool.” That self-assessment comes from Oh Kil-nam, a South Korean economist who moved to North Korea a quarter-century ago, dragging along his unhappy wife and two teenage daughters. He then defected to the West, leaving his family stranded in a country…

  • How spy technologies foil old-school political killings –



    How spy technologies foil old-school political killings Link: The practice of secretly assassinating purported enemies of the state — an age-old tool of foreign policy — has run up against steadily improving international police collaboration and the global proliferation of surveillance technologies that make it harder for anyone anywhere to surreptitiously conduct a high-profile…

  • Missteps, errors and miscommunication doomed Blackwater case –

    Missteps, errors and miscommunication doomed Blackwater case –



    Missteps, errors and miscommunication doomed Blackwater case Link: The questions come as the Justice Department last month launched its appeal of a scathing opinion by the well-respected judge, who ruled that the conduct of Kohl and other prosecutors was so egregious that it “requires dismissal of the indictment against all the defendants.” The guards…

  • Afghanistan's Karzai asks Taliban to lay down arms –

    Afghanistan's Karzai asks Taliban to lay down arms –



    Afghanistan’s Karzai asks Taliban to lay down arms Link: Afghanistan’s president appealed to Taliban fighters Sunday to lay down their weapons and accept Afghan laws, as the government and its international allies push a program to entice militants away from the insurgency.