Olympus 600mm Zoom-Lens is World’s Tiniest | Gadget Lab

Olympus 600mm Zoom-Lens is World’s Tiniest

Olympus has revealed two new lenses today, both for the Micro Four Thirds format. One is a 40-150mm ƒ4.0-5.6 which will sell for just €330 when it is launched in October. This has a silent AF-motor for movie-shooting but is otherwise rather pedestrian tha

via WIRED: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/08/olympus-600mm-zoom-lens-is-worlds-tiniest/

I managed to snag a few moments (over email) with Jason Cone, executive producer of the Starved for Attention films and MSF’s Communications Director based out of New York, and Ron Haviv, one of VII’s founding members. I wanted to ask the two about how NGOs and photographers work together, how a campaign such as this is produced, and how NGOs and journalists work to get stories out to a wide audience within such a fractured media environment.