Sebastião Salgado’s Journey From Brazil to the World –

Sebastião Salgado’s Journey From Brazil to the World

In a wide-ranging interview, Sebastião Salgado discusses a new documentary that tracks his path from childhood in Brazil to witnessing some of the greatest stories of his age.

via Lens Blog:

Listen, I am not a social photographer. I am not an economic photographer. I’m not a photojournalist. Photography is much more than that. Photography is my life. It’s my way of life, and my language. I went to photograph the things that I had a great curiosity to see and to organize. I felt a certain revulsion, and a compulsion to show that others also have dignity, that dignity is not an exclusive property of the rich countries of the north but exists all over the planet. That’s what photography was for me, my language, my life and my way of going about and doing things