When It’s O.K. to Pay for a Story – NYTimes.com

Opinion | When It’s O.K. to Pay for a Story

The WikiLeaks bounty for a TPP leak challenges us to rethink media ethics.

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/09/opinion/when-its-ok-to-pay-for-a-story.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0

Setting a bounty on the treaty text turns journalistic mores on their head. In traditional newsrooms, the idea of offering a cash incentive for the leaking of confidential documents is anathema. But WikiLeaks, like other media disrupters, leaves us no choice but to reconsider this prohibition. If journalism organizations refuse to do so, they relegate themselves either to secondhand reporting on documents obtained by those outside journalism or to being left behind.