Operation Kakongoliro! The Ugandan Expendables – YouTube

Operation Kakongoliro! The Ugandan Expendables

Cooming Soon – Produced by SupaFans around da world from Kickstarter n Patreon Updates, T-Shirts, & More! — http://supastore.wakaliwood.com/ FREE! Who Kill…

via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYD5japaxsg

Art collector Jean-Marie Donat’s affaire-de-coeur with TeddyBär began three decades ago when he stumbled across the very first snapshot picturing the mammoth wooly creature traipsing down the streets over Berlin. Over the last twenty years, the Frenchman has committed himself in earnest to tracking down TeddyBär in his many incarnations, discovering dozens of men who from the 1920s until the 1970s, donned bewhiskered polar bear suit in hopes of earning a buck (or indeed a Reichsmark) by posing with tourists and passersby.