On the Edge on Staten Island – The New York Times

On the Edge on Staten Island

When Christine Osinski moved to Staten Island in the 1980s, she found the long-overlooked borough with a tough edge gave her a sense of freedom and distance from Manhattan.

via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/02/12/christine-osinski-staten-island-summer-days-photos/?&_r=0&module=Slide&region=SlideShowTopBar&version=SlideCard-5&action=Escape&contentCollection=Blogs&slideshowTitle=On%20the%20Edge%20on%20Staten%20Island&currentS

Christine Osinski, a photographer and Cooper Union professor, came to know the borough’s otherworldliness in the early 1980s, when she and her husband were forced out of their Lower Manhattan loft and went looking for a house they could afford