30 Over 50/In Context at the Center of Fine Art Photography – LENSCRATCH

30 Over 50/In Context at the Center of Fine Art Photography – LENSCRATCH

 Toni Lovejoy, Winner of the In Context Award A new exhibition recently opened online at the Center of Fine Art Photography that celebrates artists over the age of 50, with an eye on wisdom and history accrued over decades of living. Titled 30 Over 50 /In

via LENSCRATCH: http://lenscratch.com/2021/04/30-over-50-at-the-center-of-fine-art-photography/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+lenscratch%2FZAbG+%28L++E++N++S++C++R++A++T++C++H%29

A new exhibition recently opened online at the Center of Fine Art Photography that celebrates artists over the age of 50, with an eye on wisdom and history accrued over decades of living. Titled 30 Over 50 /In Context, the exhibition was jurored by gallerist Arnika Dawkins. Complete projects and bios are on the C4FAP site. There is a curator and artist talk with Arnika Dawkins and the award-winning artists on April 14th at 5 pm mountain time via zoom. Please join them by signing up HERE.