Tag: Brett Gundlock

  • Underground Neo-Nazi Skinheads in Canada Photographed by Brett Gundlock

    Link: Underground Neo-Nazi Skinheads in Canada Photographed by Brett Gundlock | Feature Shoot The access Gundlock acquired is fascinating, and the work unveils the complex existence of an extremist group living among, yet completely apart from the rest of society. We recently talked to him about the powerful experience

  • Brett Gundlock: ‘Prisoners Project’ « Prison Photography

    Brett Gundlock: ‘Prisoners Project’ « Prison Photography

    Brett Gundlock: ‘Prisoners Project’ National Post photographer, Brett Gundlock was one of the 304 protestors arrested during the G20 protests in Toronto, last June. Since last Summer, and dissatisfied generally with the representatio… via Prison Photography: http://prisonphotography.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/brett-gundlock-prisoners-project/ Gundlock has tracked down many of those also taken into custody. He has asked each of them to…

  • Brett Gundlock

    Brett is a staff photographer for the National Post newspaper, based in Toronto, Canada. His personal work leads him to themes such as race and social structure. Link: Photos