GARRY WINOGRAND: "Class Time with Garry Winogrand" (1974 – 1976)

Class Time with Garry Winogrand (1974 – 1976)

By O.C. Garza
The years were 1974, 1975 and 1976.

Step back to those years in what was the active, peaceful city of Austin, Texas. The city is nestled hard against the banks of the Colorado River that knives through central Texas. This state govern


If students were taking Garry’s class to learn photographic techniques and methods, they were sorely disappointed. Garry didn’t teach much technique. That was left to the PJ side of the photography world or to his “TAs”. You have a lifetime to learn technique, he seemed to be saying, but I can teach you what is more important than technique, how to see; learn that and all you have to do afterwards is press the shutter.