Tag: Antonio Bolfo

  • Photographer Injured in Istanbul Protests

    Link: PDNPulse » Photographer Injured in Istanbul Protests photojournalist Antonio Bolfo of Reportage by Getty was injured in Istanbul after police forces fired tear gas canisters into a crowd of protesters and press

  • Antonio Bolfo, the Police Officer With a Camera

    Antonio Bolfo, the Police Officer With a Camera

    On the Beat: With a Gun and a Camera Antonio Bolfo was bored, so he became a police officer. To relieve the stress of patrolling South Bronx housing projects, he took a camera on the job. It led to a new career. via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/03/on-the-beat-with-a-gun-and-a-camera/?pagewanted=all There are all sorts of reasons why people become…

  • World Press Photo Masterclass in racial stereotyping?

    World Press Photo Masterclass in racial stereotyping?

    World Press Photo Masterclass in racial stereotyping? — duckrabbit 2011 JOOP SWART MASTERCLASS The 2011 Joop Swart Masterclass will take place from 28 October – 3 November, bringing together… via duckrabbit: http://duckrabbit.info/blog/2011/10/world-press-joop-swart-masterclass-respect-or-racial-stereotyping/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+duckrabbit%2FNrks+%28duckrabbit%29 The theme ( this years Joop Swart Masterclass ) is respect. With that in mind take a look at the photo by  Antonio…

  • Photographer #349: Antonio Bolfo

    Photographer #349: Antonio Bolfo

    Photographer #349: Antonio Bolfo Antonio Bolfo, 1981, USA, is a photojournalist based in New York City. His career started working as an animator for video games before he d… Link: http://500photographers.blogspot.com/2011/08/photographer-349-antonio-bolfo.html Antonio Bolfo, 1981, USA, is a photojournalist based in New York City. His career started working as an animator for video games before he…