Category: Interviews

  • DARIUS HIMES » A Conversation with Stephen Shore

    I have been placed in an unfair position. Stephen Shore is a photographer that deservedly enjoys a place of some stature in the history of photography. At the age of 14, three of his photographs were acquired by the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and in 1971 he gained the distinction of being…

  • Zeptonn – Josh Spear

    Jan Willem Wennekes, also known as Stinger, crafts a killer monster. Well, “killer” in its most docile, endearing sense — because the creatures of this Netherlands-based designer have always had more success drawing aww’s than arghh’s! As founder of Zeptonn Lab, Stinger cranks out his unique style of design for clients like PlayStation, Scion, and…

  • Behind the Lens with Preston Gannaway

    The photographic community is incredibly diverse, made up of photographers that shoot from the sky to the sea and everywhere in between. Each month we look at a different segment of the industry, interviewing top professional photographers about life, their careers, and what sets their piece of the photographic industry apart from the rest. This…

  • A Photo Editor – Michael Norseng- Director of Photography, Esquire

    I consider Esquire to be one of the great publishers of editorial photography in the history of magazine making. Like any publication there are ups and downs but their standards remain very high and Michael does a tremendous job filling those very big shoes. Check it out here.

  • A Conversation with Hellen Van Meene (Conscientious)

    Portraiture might be the most challenging photographic endeavor. It is a complex interaction between the photographer’s intent, the subject’s preconceptions and ideas, and the viewer’s background. So how do photographers manage to make great portraits? I have long been a fan of Dutch photographer Hellen van Meene. Her portraits of adolescents possess an extremely quiet…

  • James Whitlow Delano | Photographer | Japan | Raw Take

    Deb and I had the good fortune to cross paths with James Whitlow Delano because of the Blue Planet Run book and Redux Pictures. His images of China’s desertification caught our eye for the book (They didn’t make the final edit). But more than the subject of the photographs, it was the tone, the feeling…

  • Lessons from a Photo Essay

    Mona Reeder, a photographer with the Dallas Morning News, has won a Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award for domestic photography for her photo essay “The Bottom Line.” Through pictures, Reeder explored Texas’ poor rankings in a number of categories ranging from the poorest counties in the U.S. to environmental protection. Earlier this year, the project…

  • The Santa Barbara Independent Photographer Joel Meyerowitz and His 9/11 Archive, Aftermath

    I took myself down to the site on the day I returned to get a feeling for it, and there I had this strange interaction with a policewoman. I was standing in the crowd and looking through my camera, and this cop struck me on my shoulder and threatened me. I was told that I…

  • Behind the Lens with Preston Gannaway – – PopPhotoApril 2008

    This month we focus on Preston Gannaway, a staff photographer at the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, Colorado. While driving from New Hampshire to Colorado earlier this month, Gannaway learned that she had been named the recipient of the 2008 Pulitzer Prize in Feature Photography. The 30-year-old photographer was recognized for her picture story, “Remember…

  • Speartalks: Aaron Rose

    Several months ago, we about lost our crap when we heard that Beautiful Losers – the museum exhibit-turned-most brilliant coffee table book ever bound by mechanical means – would soon be joined by another extension of arty rectitude. Beautiful Losers, the documentary, would relate to the book and exhibit by way of subject matter, but…

  • Magnum Blog / The Imagemakers

    Magnum’s reputation is not just based on extraordinary photography. What distinguishes the members of the photoagency, which was founded in 1947, is character. The legendary Magnum photographers Elliott Erwitt and Burt Glinn talk about moments of opportunity, courage, independence – and humor. This interview was conducted by Pia Frankenberg in December 2006 and was first…

  • Interview: Susana Raab – Liz Kuball Photography

    You gotta love Susana Raab. Here’s why. Check it out here.

  • How Jessica Dimmock got to the Ninth Floor – Shoot The Blog

    Jessica Dimmock has been a whirling dervish since graduating from the Photojournalism program at ICP in 2005. A project she embarked upon while still in school, The Ninth Floor became a three-year intense documentation of the lives of 20 to 30 heroin addicts who lived in a run-down apartment in a well-appointed building in a…

  • Shoot! Interview: Michael Foley

    Michael Foley is the director of Foley Gallery in Chelsea, and is also outrageously nice and generous with his time. This is a rare thing in the fine art world, which can be a seemingly impossible fortress to penetrate. Foley clearly has a good eye and a good nose for the market; he consistently shows…

  • Camcorders that think like cameras: Q&A with Ted from RED

    Maria got a chance to interview RED’s chief product evangelist Ted Schilowitz during NAB 2008 on how RED’s ultra-high definition camcorders will impact professional photographers. Below is a transcript of that Q&A. Check it out here.

  • Feministing

    Sara Fajardo is a staff photographer at the Orlando Sentinel. Her photojournalism journey has taken her to many places, from local places in the States to covering the rise and fall of president Alberto Fujimori in Peru. You can see some of her photos at her website: She’s also the author of a children’s…

  • NOTIFBUTWHEN #2: Jason Lazarus Interview Part 1

    I think I’ve mentioned before what a fan I am of Jason Lazarus’ work. His current show up in Chicago, This is gonna take one more night is full of smart, endearing, compelling and the Jay-Laz-brand-of-humor images that have come to define him and his work. I decided to do ask Jason some questions about…

  • Speartalks: Marion Peck – Josh Spear

    Our general consensus is that it is in the eyes. It has to be, for there is nothing else to offer up that feeling of wrongness in the art of Marion Peck. Her palate is sunny enough, her subjects innocent enough, her landscapes full of greens and lights and other indications of virtue. But the…

  • Shoot! Interview: Antonin Kratochvil

    I thought I’d post a short Q&A session I was lucky enough to have with Antonin Kratochvil. Kratochvil, if he’s new to you, is a Czech-born American photojournalist. He is also founding member of the VII Photo Agency. His career is rather epic at this point Check it out here.

  • Blek Le Rat Interview – Fecal Face

    Think back to the year 1981, some of us were still pissing ourselves, or not even born. Rick Springfield was singing Jesse’s Girl, Blonde was rapping to Rapture, Regan was doing some acting in the White House and Blek Le Rat was painting the streets of Paris. Unknowingly becoming one of the first pioneer stencil…