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    From dvafoto:

    The Blue Earth Alliance alerted me a couple of days ago, through their blog post, to this video presentation of John Trotter’s project “The Burden of Memory” put together by the The Dart Center at the University of Washington. This is a remarkable project and presentation that brought me close to tears.

    Check it out here.

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  • From Prison Photography:

    Jürgen Chill’s Zellen photographs are a unique perspective upon prison space. Of all the positions in the cell, this floating light-fixture-eye-view should be the least claustrophobic, and yet, the central (physically impossible) high vantage point is dizzying. How does the camera (let alone cameraman) take up such a position? From here, what is there left to do but fall?

    Check it out here.

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  • Check it out here.


  • From Name Your Dream Assignment:

    Following four weeks of non-stop voting and discussion, we’re thrilled to announce the Name Your Dream Assignment judges have selected a winner from the contest’s top 20 finalists.

    And the winner is:

    Picture Hope by Shutter Sisters, Jen Lemen and Stephanie Roberts

    Check it out here.


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    From RESOLVE — the liveBooks photo blog:

    As a photojournalist I have observed an important thing, that most coverage of world events — especially in places like Afghanistan –- is done by white men between 30 and 40 year old.

    Check it out here.


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    From The Big Picture:

    photographs from North Korea are still restricted and hard to come by. One way around that has been for photographers to peer inside from across the border, a pastime that has also spurred a level of curious tourism in both neighboring South Korea and China. Collected here are a some recent photographs, looking into reclusive North Korea from the outside – and some of the reactions these observations induce.

    Check it out here.

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  • inside the photographers_studio #5 from andrew hetherington on Vimeo.

    Check it out here.


  • From A Photo Editor:

    Martin Schoeller talks with writer Charlie Fish (read more here) for a piece in Resource Magazine.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    From A Photo A Day:

    Shaul Schwarz continued Getty Images recent tradition of winning the Capa Medal…

    And the newest VII member, Stephanie Sinclair won the Oliver Rebbot Award for photographic reporting in magazines or books for a look at female circumcision in Indonesia.

    Check it out here.

    Full Winners List Here.

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  • From dvafoto:

    here’s “Carry on up the Gulag: Interview with Seamus Murphy” at Dispatches’ site. Murphy talks a bit about the process of photographing Russia

    Check it out here.

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    From Sports Shooter::

    Darren Carroll says don’t be on the sidelines at some big-time event making the same run-of-the-mill stock picture everybody else is making.

    Check it out here.


  • From PixelatedImage:

    First. I look at my career as a passion-driven, vision-driven process. I believe strongly in the notion of calling, that this is a vocation (from the Latin, vocatus, meaning to call or invite) for which I was created. That drives me, gives me purpose. But I also believe the line between so-called professional and so-called amateur are increasingly blurry. I didn’t make the career transition because I could, but because my soul was bored and suddenly found something that lit it on fire again and I couldn’t not follow the flame. I hope that makes sense. Passion will take you a long, long way.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    From Luminous landscape:

    Let me say right off the bat that this is one sweet camera system. In fact I found the simplicity and elegance of the design highly appealing. The body handles and is sized much like a top-of-the-line DSLR, though the sensor is some 60% larger than full-frame 35mm. The top panel OLED screen is eye candy, and the rear LCD with its programmable soft buttons appeared clear, logically presented, and very much to my taste.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.

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    From Sports Shooter:

    USA TODAY used Live Ingest to make their tethered transmissions at the Final Four faster and easier.

    Check it out here.


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    From Sports Shooter:

    When I heard the Sports Shooter Academy VI was tuition free for students thanks to a grant from Nikon, I could hear the voice of my mentor and former photography/video editor at Democrat & Chronicle, Christina Dicken. She once told me, “James, I want you to shoot sports the way you shoot everything else.” Her sincere and constructively critical internship review had a resounding influence on my career and made me realize that a free SSA VI in my home county was something I could not pass up.

    Check it out here.


  • From Sports Shooter:

    I would be the first person to tell you I did not shoot well during Sports Shooter Academy VI. I tried new things and it was…disastrous. But that is what’s great about the Sports Shooter Academies, being able to learn through trial and error. I would tell the faculty and assistants I didn’t feel like I shot well and they would respond, “Yes, but did you learn something?”

    Check it out here.
