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    One of Supertouch’s favorite promising Brooklyn-based artists is DAN WITZ, a classical painter who straddles the very disparate worlds of “fine” and “Street Art” with incredibly unique and separate bodies of work.

    Check it out here.


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    View winners from the 2008 International Photography Contest, plus honorable mentions from each category.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


  • I’ve had a chance to get a hold of the 5D MKII on several occasions – seven to be specific (2 of those nights were spent shooting the first film, Reverie.)   I’ve felt compelled to try to create something with it each time I’ve had the camera in my hands.    And I will admit this camera has brought me back the closest to the feeling I had at the age of 15 when I had my first camera and a few rolls of Tri-X to burn through.   Simply put – it’s so much fun and pure.

    Check it out here.


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    photo by William Eggleston

    Sometimes an exhibition is many years in the making. Case in point
    is the show I’m opening next week which deals with the ongoing influence the great photographer August Sander had and continues to have on photography. Most active from the early 1900s through the 1920s, Sander’s credo was simple: “I am not concerned with providing commonplace photographs like those made in the finer large-scale studios of the city, but simple, natural portraits that show the subjects in an environment corresponding to their own individuality.”

    Check it out here.


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    Gregory Garry has seen a few magazines come and go. He was photo director for Budget Living (folded 2005), Weekend (folded 2006) and Radar (folded 2008). At Radar, Garry oversaw the wacky celebrity photo-illustration covers that earned the magazine a reputation for satire and snark. Garry had the good luck to leave Budget Living and Weekend before they closed, but he was working at Radar when the axe fell just before Halloween. Garry recently took time out from his job search to chat with PDN about photography, Radar and the future of magazines.

    Check it out here.


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    We asked WSJ director of photography Jack Van Antwerp, “The Big Picture” editor Alan Taylor, and “Captured” editor Meghan Lynden to describe their editing processes.

    Check it out here.


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    When it comes to voyeurs who photograph or videotape up a woman’s skirt (known as “upskirting”) or snap a photo down a woman’s shirt (“downblousing”), though, “there are not many practical, legal remedies available to people who find themselves the victim,” says Anita Allen, a privacy expert and professor at Penn Law. That’s if the woman even realizes she is a victim in the first place, which is unlikely, as the voyeur typically manages to go undetected. If the photo or video is published online — which, increasingly, it is — it would be difficult for the subject to ever come across the material. Even if she did, how could she recognize one underwear-clad rear as her own?

    Check it out here.


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    New York Times’ video from Robbie Cooper’s ‘Immersion’ project, which is photographing the reactions of children entranced by games

    Check it out here.

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  • The newest rev of Camera Raw for Photoshop CS4 (Mac|Win) adds some much-requested improvements

    Check it out here.


  • obviously, i am the type of person/photographer who enjoys close contact, either attained quickly or after weeks of growing relationships…i do not think that is a mantra for  photographers at all…it just happens to be my way

    Check it out here.


  • Photos by David Burnett

    Check it out here.

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    The idea was to interview, film and photograph prominent African Americans of various professions, disciplines and backgrounds.

    Check it out here.


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    Alec Soth’s latest venture on the printed page is a self-published newspaper with the gothic-script title of The Last Days of W. 36 photographs within which even the inanimate objects look simply worn out and exhausted. With many of us down on our luck, this is supposed to only cost you a fiver.

    Check it out here.


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    When I heard about Trunk Archive (website here) last February and saw the list of photographers who’s work they represented I thought how great this will be for photo editors and art buyers to source and use high end imagery. I had the opportunity to talk with Matt Moneypenny the President and CEO of Trunk last week and here’s what we talked about.

    Check it out here.


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    photo by Kevin German

    I have begun exploring mental illness in Vietnam. This will hopefully continue next week and into following year. For the time being I will simply leave you with a broad edit of photographs.

    Check it out here.


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    We are on the Isle of Wight, a roughly diamond-shaped piece of land in the English Channel, for an educational weekend with Britain’s pre-eminent documentary photographer. Occasionally Martin Parr discusses technique and technology with individual members of the group, but mostly we learn by watching him. The lesson is simple: Photograph what you love.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    IFComp 2008, The 14th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition and keeper of the old-school text-game torch, recently declared its winners. Bronze went to my game, Everybody Dies, silver went to Eric Eve’s Nightfall, and the gold went to Jeremy Freese’s Violet.

    Check it out here.


  • For over fifty years Alan Abel has been creating absurd hoaxes to fool the media. “Abel Raises Cain” is a very touching tribute to Alan, produced and directed by his daughter, Jenny.

    Check it out here.

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