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    Over the last year, reports have been that the situation in Afghanistan was getting worse. When I hear that I say to myself, “…getting? It already was worse.” From my first visit to Afghanistan in 2006, I felt that the situation had already started its downward spiral; however, all eyes and most journalistic resources were elsewhere. I returned in 2007 and few publications were interested in Afghanistan. It was like a major war was on and nobody was really interested. I went again in 2008 and found myself in the midst of one of the most violent times the country had seen since 2001. It was the peak of what many call the fighting season, a time beginning in the spring when the weather improves and the fighting picks up over the summer.

    Check it out here.

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  • Here’s the Detroit Free Press’s formula for managing and inspiring a small but mighty staff.

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    When I am out on a story and I tell someone I’m from The New York Times, the immediate response is usually a certain respectful recognition. People know the name; they know it stands for good journalism. But when they see my video camera, sometimes a wave of confusion washes over them and they inevitably ask: The New York Times does video?

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    This “Valerie” tape was easily the most wizard thing I was ever sent to play on the show. Some of the other unique cassette documents I used back then will be featured here in future blogs.
    Not only does Valerie sustain the energy and focus of this tape from paused scene to scene, she also at one point has a “conversation” with a “rock star/band” in which she is actually improvising lines off of a voice that she’s turning up and down on the radio – a risky and hilarious move.

    Check it out here.


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    Hi! I work at a modeling agency and each week I get hundreds of photo submissions from aspiring models to be.
    “The Chosen” is a smattering of the most unique and select talent culled from those emails

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    So…set the D3 to triple exposure, got Group A and B going to be the bookends flashes, and tested them a bit for exposure control.

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    via Conscientious .


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    Pakistan feels as if it’s falling apart. Last fall the country barely avoided bankruptcy. The tribal areas, which border on Afghanistan, remain a vast Taliban sanctuary and redoubt. The giant province of Baluchistan, though far more accessible, is racked by a Baluchi separatist rebellion, while American officials view Quetta, Baluchistan’s capital, as Taliban HQ. American policy has arguably made the situation even worse, for the Predator-drone attacks along the border, though effective, drive the Taliban eastward, deeper into Pakistan. And the strategy has been only reinforcing hostility to the United States among ordinary Pakistanis.

    Check it out here.


  • so many photographers and so few resources to finance them as professionals will lead many to search for other sources of income….however, the true visionaries will do just fine….and it has always been so…..

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  • On its draft agenda for Monday, April 6 at 6 p.m., committee has a proposed resolution to require any person wishing to photograph, videotape or make an audio recording of any Township Committee meeting to get prior permission from the mayor or his designated representative.

    Check it out here.


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    Martin Parr reveals beauty in the banal through his photography, and says even mundane objects have charm – you only have to notice them

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    Thomas Sanders was born and raised in Sonoma, California. He took a high school course that provoked his interest in photography, which quickly grew as he took pictures of his siblings and peers. He was excepted into Cal Poly University in a noteworthy photography program where he continued his education as a student. Sanders lives in Los Angeles where he shoots personal, editorial, and advertising work for an array of clients. He is currently working on a series documenting World War II veterans which he hopes will one day be in a published book.

    Check it out here.


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    Upper Playground has been supporting street artists in its stores and galleries for ten years, so it only makes sense that they would start stocking the tools to make the art. At the Upper Playground web store’s new department for graffiti supplies, you can now buy spray paint, markers and fatcaps from Montana and Krink.

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  • Check it out here.


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    Thousands of protesters gathered in London, England on April 1st and 2nd to demonstrate against an array of issues, largely anti-capitalist or pro-environmental in nature. A large underlying theme was anger with the effects of the economic downturn and a call for accountability and responsibility. While the majority of protesters were peaceful, a number of them took to smashing windows and throwing debris at police lines. London police responded with baton charges and arrests. Similar protests are now taking place in Strasbourg, France, which hosts a NATO summit today

    Check it out here.


  • Check it out here.


  • After being nominated by a VII Member, each selected photographer will work with a senior member of VII for two years to build and polish necessary skills and to expand his or her own professional practice.

    Check it out here.


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    There are several different ways to make a hardwire remote cord, and there are various amounts of money you can spend making one. What it comes down to is that it works best for your needs. If made correctly, it will be the most reliable remote trigger you own.

    Check it out here.
