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    Good News: I get a Nikon D3s to play with and write about.

    Bad News: The deadline for this review is less than a week after I receive the camera.

    Link: Camera Corner: Enter the Nikon D3s – The Digital Journalist


  • Time Warner’s payment vendor, JP Morgan, has unveiled a new payment plan for all suppliers. Essentially a codified 2/10 net 30 payment program, all suppliers are required to pay a fee to Time Warner if they want to be paid on time. Ranging from 4 percent fee for payment within 3 days to a .5 percent fee for payment in 25 days

    Link: Bad contract and bad payment practices: Reader’s Digest Publishing Australia and Time Inc. (via JP Morgan) | dvafoto


  • Photojournalism is dead.

    Why? Because most people don’t care about meaningful, relevant photography anymore.

    Link: Rest in Peace: Photojournalism Is Dead – The Digital Journalist


  • As you know, after more than 10 years, Canon has felt compelled to discontinue its support of The Digital Journalist. It is that support which has made it possible to produce these issues, and become one of the most trusted and vital resources to visual journalism. We are working very hard to come up with new sponsors (or who knows, Canon might change its mind?). We will also be going to several foundations, seeking institutional support. It is our intention and hope to keep publishing as long as we can. This month you, our loyal readers, donated nearly $5,000 in pledges, which is just enough to pay our staff, to whom we all owe a debt of gratitude. So please make pledges if you can. We know how difficult it is in the economy, but consider your pledge an investment not only in this magazine, but also in yourselves, and our beleaguered profession of photo/video journalism. Hopefully we will all make it through to the other side.

    Link: Welcome – The Digital Journalist


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    We at Leicashots are dreamers like most people, and we would like to make the M9 dream come true for one of our readers. Hopefully in time for Christmas (but we’re probably going to need a little more time). That is why we are introducing The Big Leica M9 lottery of 2009/2010!

    Link: The big M9 lottery of 09/10! | LeicaShots


  • A Vanished San Francisco, Black, White and Colorful

    Photographs by Gerald Ratto poignantly recall the vanished landscape of the Fillmore district of San Francisco in 1952.

    Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/06/arts/design/06sfculture.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

    In 1952, when the budding photographer Gerald Ratto was a 19-year-old student at the California School of Fine Arts, he spent much of his time in the Fillmore district of San Francisco. Wandering around the neighborhood with his Rolleiflex camera and a bottle of brandy, he shared drinks and conversation with the residents and snapped pictures of the local kids as they played in the street.


  • Photographers win British war on photography?

    Is Britain’s war on photography coming to an end? After the Independent newspaper got senior officials to admit that anti-terror legislation was being “widely abused…to question a…

    via Boing Boing: http://www.boingboing.net/2009/12/06/photographers-win-br.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29

    Writing in today’s Independent, he says: “Everyone… has a right to take photographs and film in public places. Taking photographs… is not normally cause for suspicion and there are no powers prohibiting the taking of photographs, film or digital images in a public place.”


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    Alec Soth is one of today’s most high-regarded photographers.  His talent became widely recognized in 2004 when he was included in the Whitney Museum’s Biennial 2004 (the Biennial strives to showcase the state of art at that moment.)  Actually, he wasn’t just in the Biennial, he was a standout:  in addition to rave reviews, he was one of three artists highlighted by a Time magazine piece about the Biennial…and even the image-sparse Wall Street Journal showcased one of Alec’s images from the exhibition. (see the Biennial piece above)

    Link: ALEC SOTH – photographer | Mom Culture

    via: APhotoADay Blog » Allowing Flowers


  • Sports Photography and Photojournalism for Professional Photographers| SportsShooter.com

    A community for sports photography, sports action, and photojournalism for the professional photographer, student photographer and hobbyist.

    via SportsShooter: http://www.sportsshooter.com/members.html?id=8040

    Funny thing — when I was pulling together images I liked from the last several weeks, I noticed that each fit into one or another cliché I fall back on from time to time. We all have our own personal (and shared) clichés, and I find it an amusing (and, at times, frustrating) exercise to find all those instances where they pop up in our images.


  • Marshall Responds to Photographer Harassment

    The local Madison, Wisconsin, paper Isthmus picked up the story this week about an incident that happened in October where photographer Josh Zytkiewicz was questioned by a security guard outside th…

    Link: http://discarted.wordpress.com/2009/12/04/marshall-responds-to-photographer-harassment/

    The local Madison, Wisconsin, paper Isthmus picked up the story this week about an incident that happened in October where photographer Josh Zytkiewicz was questioned by a security guard outside the federal courthouse. The guard told Zytkiewicz “security procedures” prohibited him from taking photos of the building and said he was calling the Madison police (which never arrived, if he did).


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    This fall, Steven Kasher Gallery in New York exhibited Josh Gosfield’s collection of memorabilia relating to Gigi Gaston, the French singer/songwriter of the 1960s. His reproductions of album covers, posters, tabloid newspaper articles, fan magazines and scandal sheets tell the story of Gaston’s rise to pop stardom, the car crash that killed her stepbrother and briefly halted her career, her 1969 world tour, her scandalous love affair with an Italian film star, and all the triumphs and tragedies that kept Gaston in the public eye for more than a decade.

    Link: How To Create a Pop Star in Photoshop


  • Showcase: Shining a Light

    Stephen Alvarez is obsessed with opening the world’s eyes to the border areas of Uganda and Sudan, torn apart for more than 20 years by brutal, interlocking wars.

    via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/12/04/showcase-88/

    Stephen Alvarez has also been obsessed with making sure that people see a different kind of dark and mostly unknown place: an area along the border of Uganda and Sudan that has been torn apart for more than 20 years by two brutal, interlocking wars.


  • That’s been apparent this week, as White House reporters have privately discussed and debated the recent addition of sites like Talking Points Memo and Huffington Post to the White House in-town press pool. It’s not that reporters are criticizing the work of either Christina Bellantoni or Sam Stein, but some have expressed concerns about pool reports coming from left- or right-leaning news organizations that will then be used by the rest of the press corps.

    Link: New W.H. pool rotation sparks debate – Michael Calderone – POLITICO.com


  • Also receiving votes were members Danny Gawlowski (92), Jack Zibluk (91), Jeff Gritchen (80), Gerald Williams (61), Pete Souza (1), Ken Irby (1) and Melissa Lyttle (1).

    Link: NPPA Board Of Directors Election Results, Candidate Withdraws


  • Clients From Hell

    via Clients From Hell: http://clientsfromhell.tumblr.com/

    “I recently had a client show me an eCommerce site they wanted built. I replied that what they wanted is about a $20,000 web site. They later told me that they had a guy who lived in a cabin who just needed money who would do the whole site for $1,000. He didn’t work out.”


  • Reader’s Digest and an Ugly New Contract

    Reader’s Digest Publishing in Australia has a very ugly new contract that they’d like photographers to sign. I’m not sure if they are a franchise of the American Reader’s Digest, with some type of content sharing deal, or if they…

    via Mostly True: http://kennethjarecke.typepad.com/mostly_true/2009/12/readers-digest-and-an-ugly-new-contract.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MostlyTrue+%28Mostly+True%29

    Reader’s Digest Publishing in Australia has a very ugly new contract that they’d like photographers to sign.


  • by Matt Hill

    Link: Nikon Festival » Available Night


  • burtynsky_silver_lake_02_lg.jpg

    The subject of Oil is near and dear to Mr. Burtsynsky, as revealred in an article in the Arts Journal. He has an amazing ability to combine significant documentary work with beautiful imagery, that lures the viewer in for a closer look, only to realize he’s telling us something profound. His images taken in Australia are as beautiful as they are disturbing.

    Link: lenscratch: Edward Burtynsky


  • Link: PDNPulse: Iran Sued in Canada for Death of Photojournalist


  • Happy Freakin’ Holidays Playlist

    Behold NYC Bloggers Do the Holidays, a tour of goodies in list and link form. The WFMU contribution, courtesy of Otis Fodder, is a playlist packed with 80 tracks that will either make you freak out or keep you from freaking out, depending on your metaboli

    via WFMU’s Beware of the Blog: http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2009/12/happy-freakin-holidays-playlist.html

    Behold NYC Bloggers Do the Holidays, a tour of urban goodies in list and link form. The WFMU contribution, courtesy of Otis Fodder, is a playlist packed with 80 tracks that will either make you freak out or keep you from freaking out, depending on your metabolic set point.

    Holiday Freak In (2002) and Holiday Freak Out (2006) are compilations Otis pulled together for his special people, and now you’re a special person, too. A guy who really likes Christmas music liked them a lot. You can read that guy’s interview with Otis and commentary while you download. Cuz that’s gonna take a while.

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