• Link: Nikon D3s: 14fps and HD Video | Nikon Rumors:

    Nikon D3s rumors are spreading like wild fire.


  • Link: Italian Photo Agency Grazia Neri Plans to Shut Down – PDN:

    Grazia Neri Agency was founded in 1966. The company represents photographers for assignments and distributes news, documentary, sports and creative stock photography. The agency is the Italian representative of many individual photojournalists and over 150 international agencies.


  • Link: Mostly True: Kennerly: Chop Crop in the Lens:

    I felt really compelled to try to answer a few questions on the David Hume Kennerly piece (controversy?) today.


  • Link: Editing on the road helps focus long photo stories | RESOLVE — the liveBooks photo blog:

    Sean Gallagher, a photojournalist living and working in China, won a travel grant from the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting in February for his work on the country’s desertification. From a whirlwind trip to complete his coverage, Sean created several posts, slideshows, and the multimedia piece below. Sean explains how important it was to edit as he traveled to check in with his themes and cut down on post-production time. Don’t miss his earlier posts about finding and planning in-depth stories.


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    Link: lenscratch: Arianna Sanesi:

    Italian photographer Arianna Sanesi, currently lives in Milan, after studying photography in Bologna and traveling through France and the U.S. She is at the beginning of her career, working as an assistant to Magnum photographer Ferdinando Scianna, but has already found a photographic voice. Arianna has an interesting series featured below, on the changing vista of China–the old and the new juxtasposed for thought provoking comparisons


  • Link: Essay: Chop and Crop – Lens Blog – NYTimes.com:

    However, Newsweek’s objective in running the cropped version was to illustrate its editorial point of view, which could only have been done by shifting the content of the image so that readers just saw what the editors wanted them to see. This radical alteration is photo fakery. Newsweek’s choice to run my picture as a political cartoon not only embarrassed and humiliated me and ridiculed the subject of the picture, but it ultimately denigrated my profession.




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    Link: kanyelicio.us


  • Link: Q&A: David Alan Harvey on Launching a Photo-j Magazine – PDN:

    A National Geographic contributor and Magnum member, David Alan Harvey launched the online magazine Burn last year to support the work of up-and-coming photojournalists. Burn recently awarded its first $10,000 Emerging Photographer Grant, and Harvey is trying to raise more money so he can start paying photographers to shoot assignments.


  • Link: Controversy Over How, Why Post Piece Was Killed, If Publisher Weymouth Involved – washingtonpost.com:

    A Post Magazine editor encouraged Matt Mendelsohn to pursue the story after reviewing his photos of Ess. But the atmosphere apparently soured after Weymouth told Mendelsohn at a birthday brunch in her honor that this was not the sort of piece that she favored for the magazine. Weymouth has been telling editors that there have been too many stories similar to the one last November about a 13-year-old dwarf undergoing surgery to lengthen her legs.


  • Link: Prison Access for Journalists « Prison Photography:

    People ask how photojournalists and documentary makers get access to prisons, so I ask the photographers I meet. For every photographer, circumstances and events are unique.


  • Link: The Digital Holga, Or How To Waste A Million Pixels | Gadget Lab | Wired.com:

    Take one high-end, medium-format digital camera back, and one plastic-lensed Holga film camera. Cut, stitch, and wait for a thunderstorm. Throw the switch and let the lightning flow into the Frankencam. It’s alive. Alive!


  • Link: Retired White House Photographer Killed In Carolina Car Crash – NPPA:

    Starting in 1967, and for the next 19 years, Jack Kightlinger photographed Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, before retiring during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Those who knew Kightlinger said that he was proud of a large framed print of a picture of President Reagan using Kightlinger’s own camera to take a picture of the photographer on his last day of work at the White House in 1985.


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    Link: Evgeniy Sunik, Fresno – Feature Shoot:

    Evgeniy Sunik was born in Ufa Russia in 1985. He currently attends Fresno City College and is majoring in Photography. Of his work he says, ‘I usually don’t take inspiration from the work of other photographers. I noticed that most of the times it comes down to banal copying. The most of inspiration comes from memories, feelings and thinking.


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    Link: Showcase: His Camera, His Self – Lens Blog – NYTimes.com:

    Boogie hurried past me, chasing a butterfly. He waved his camera ahead of him as he attempted to catch a picture of it in flight. His shutter clicked ferociously as he focused on his mission with the glee of a child. For Boogie, a Serbian photographer, the streets of the world are his playground.

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  • Link: Behind the Scenes: From Times to Time – Lens Blog – NYTimes.com:

    Kira Pollack, the deputy photo editor of The New York Times Magazine, has been named director of photography at Time magazine, for both its print and Web versions.


  • Link: An Interview with Leica’s Stephan Daniel – Luminous Landscape:

    We had the great pleasure of interviewing Stephan Daniel, Leica’s M9 Product Manager. This video interview runs 70 minutes and in it Stephan provides a wide-ranging discussion regarding the new Leica M9.

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    Link: Rob Galbraith DPI: X-Rite announces ColorChecker Passport


  • Link: Preparing for first-time meetings with NYC art buyers | RESOLVE — the liveBooks photo blog:

    When I heard that editorial and commercial photographer Jeffrey Thayer was heading to New York City for his first round of face-to-face meetings with editors and art buyers, I was eager to have him share the experience with RESOLVE. The NYC pilgrimage is an important (often nerve-wracking) right of passage for many photographers. Through Jeff’s eyes — with posts on preparing for the trip, the meetings, and the follow-ups — photographers planning a similar trip can get a peak inside the process.


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    Link: Official Google Blog: Read news fast with Google Fast Flip:

    Fast Flip is a new reading experience that combines the best elements of print and online articles. Like a print magazine, Fast Flip lets you browse sequentially through bundles of recent news, headlines and popular topics, as well as feeds from individual top publishers. As the name suggests, flipping through content is very fast, so you can quickly look through a lot of pages until you find something interesting. At the same time, we provide aggregation and search over many top newspapers and magazines, and the ability to share content with your friends and community. Fast Flip also personalizes the experience for you, by taking cues from selections you make to show you more content from sources, topics and journalists that you seem to like. In short, you get fast browsing, natural magazine-style navigation, recommendations from friends and other members of the community and a selection of content that is serendipitous and personalized.
