• From guardian.co.uk:

    Austrian tourist who photographed bus and Tube stations says ‘nasty incident’ has put him off returning to London

    Check it out here.

    via BoingBoing.


  • From under the influence « shooting from the hip:

    As my career moved along, I took more and more creative chances. I started using my wide angle lens exclusively and began to admire the work of documentary photographers. I began to understand that there was more to photography than sports and spot news.

    Check it out here.


  • via BoingBoing’s Offworld.

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    From RESOLVE — the liveBooks photo blog:

    In 2001, world-renowned photojournalist Reza Deghati (known simply as Reza by most), founded Aina, an international non-profit organization based in Afghanistan that cultivates a well-trained independent media in order to promote democracy and to help heal post-conflict societies.

    Check it out here.


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    From The Year in Pictures: Luigi Ghirri:

    Luigi Ghirri was born in 1943 and died in 1992, at the age of 49. During his short life he revolutionized Italian, if not European photography, but for a number of reasons he is barely known in the States. However, all this should change now that Aperture have published the first American monograph of his work titled “It’s Beautiful Here, Isn’t It …”.

    Check it out here.


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    From The F Blog: meeting photographers: Alex Majoli:

    Mr Majoli, how would you describe your work? You are photographer, photojournalist, war-photographer, or documentary photographer…?

    Check it out here.

    via dvafoto.


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    CLICK NOTE: At first I thought that photo of the award hand-off is so awful… I’d better find something better. Then I thought, no, it’s so bad it’s awesome!

    From photo-eye:

    More info can be found on the Hasselblad Foundation website including the transcript from the live chat with Robert Adams that took place earlier today.

    Check it out here.


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    From The F Blog:

    About the basic idea of The F Blog
    Love of photography is the essential ingredient. The photographic image is powerful – an equally important link for communication between people as the written word or language. We want to present and promote good photography by offering a platform for photographers to show their work.

    Check it out here.

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    From Gotcha TV – Fox News Crews Stalk Bill O’Reilly’s Targets – NYTimes.com:

    Mr. Hoyt, one of more than 50 people that Mr. O’Reilly’s young producers have confronted in the past three years, said the interviews were “really just an attempt to make you look bad.” In almost every case Mr. O’Reilly uses the aggressive interviews to campaign for his point of view.

    Check it out here.

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  • From Pirates Beware: Soon Rifles That Kill from a Mile Away – TIME:

    The highly-classified EXACTO program began a year ago, when the U.S. military’s band of scientists and engineers at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) — which played a key role in the creation of both the Internet and GPS — let the military-industrial complex know it was seeking a supergun. “The ability to more accurately prosecute targets at significantly longer range would provide a dramatic new capability to the U.S. military,” DARPA’S solicitation for bids said. “The use of an actively controlled bullet will make it possible to counter environmental effects such as crosswinds and air density, and prosecute both stationary and moving targets while enhancing shooter covertness.”

    Check it out here.


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    From State of the Art: A Different View on Iraq by Jehad Nga:

    The New York Times website has some photographs that deserve to be seen. The pictures were made by a young photographer named Jehad Nga (“Inga”), who was one of American Photo’s Emerging Artists in 2007.

    Check it out here.


  • From Shepard Fairey, In Latest Legal Defense, Argues AP Copied His Poster:

    The latest filing by Fairey’s attorneys includes 12 examples of images from the AP photo archive that show other works of art, including depictions of Fairey’s Obama poster.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


  • Check it out here.


  • Jesse Epstein interviews retouchers and talks about, among other things, the French government’s desire to mandate the disclosure of image manipulation.

    Check it out here.

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    From THE OXFORD PROJECT – Peter Feldstein & Stephen G. Bloom:

    In the spring and summer of 1984, Peter Feldstein used a red marker to make a sign announcing that he wanted to take free portraits of everyone in Oxford, Iowa (pop. 673).

    Check it out here.

    via Fraction.


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    From the Journal and Courier:

    Andrea Bruce has seen much of the world through a camera lens. Bruce is a photojournalist for The Washington Post and has been in some of the world’s hottest spots.

    Check it out here.

    via APAD.


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    From The Guardian:

    As well as the photo being sepia, there appears to be a subtle soft pink hue on Madonna herself. I guess this is the colour of reassuring, concerned maternity. You can imagine Madonna and her team thinking this through in the same way an advertising campaign is orchestrated.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    photos by ben fredman

    Check it out here.
