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    From Augenblick – Blog on Photography by Daniele Mattioli: Conversation : Bevis Fusha:

    I am posting another conversation which I had with Bevis Fusha recently. Bevis Fusha is one of the most interesting photographer of so called ” New Europe”, coming from Albania Bevis has witnessed and reported the slow and complicate change of his country.

    Check it out here.

    via metro collective.


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    From Jamie Ziobro Photography:

    I shoot film with Leica M 35mm cameras. Until I find a camera that works as well, unobtrusively, and that captures images with a resolution greater than what can be made with a high resolution drum scanner from a film source, I will continue to shoot film. In my mind, the chemical reaction of light being locked into film, a four-dimensional moment in spacetime becoming a two-dimensional piece of acetate, makes my camera a hand-held time machine in many ways. In this digital age, you never know whether an image you see is an accurate and true representation of reality. But I can show you the original transparency of any image on this website, and I guarantee that it is as I saw it and how it is represented here.

    Check it out here.

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    From photo-eye Bookstore | Tony Stamolis: Frezno | photo books:

    Photographs by Tony Stamolis.
    Process Books, 2009. 136 pp., 100 color illustrations, 9×6¾”.

    Check it out here.


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    From Angela Bacon-Kidwell Photography:

    My photography comes from a life long obsession of exploring how my subconscious generates my dreams.

    Check it out here.

    via Burn Magazine.

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    Check it out here.


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    From Danish Photoshop Debate Leads To Disqualification:

    Ethical questions surrounding photojournalists’ use of Photoshop in image processing is not a controversy confined to the American market. Currently the embroilment rages in Denmark, where at least one photojournalist has been disqualified from a contest because it’s been determined that his image manipulation went too far.

    Check it out here.


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    From Picking Battles « Perfesser Kev:

    Late last week a story from the U.K. revealed a point where photojournalism balances between public service, free speech, national security and intense journalism competition.

    Robert Quick, the U.K.’s most powerful counter-terrorism officer, resigned after being photographed as he stepped from a car at 10 Downing Street, holding secret documents in plain sight.

    Check it out here.


  • Check it out here.


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    From Zack Arias – Atlanta based editorial music photographer » GPP Group Shot = Pressure That Can Make Diamonds:

    I wanted to make a picture that was a tribute to some of the photographers in the photo and I wanted to keep with the OneLight theme so I decided I would get everyone in the auditorium and light them individually with one light and then comp them together in post.

    Check it out here.

    via Joe McNally.


  • From Memorial Day: Adventures in Multimedia | Momenta:

    Developing multimedia skills will be the focus of this intensive 3-day workshop. Students will choose whether they wish to work on audio or video production. Hands-on instruction in recording audio or video will produce a short multimedia piece on a topic relating to the weekend’s events.

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    From Sebastiao Salgado: A Conversation | Leica Rumors:

    Who is Sebastiao Salgado? I will just say that his Leica M7 camera set is currently selling on ebay for US $130,680.00:

    Check it out here.

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    From Photofocus:

    Several freelancers as well as some credentialed photojournalists were jailed for days without charge or trial in the days immediately after September 11. New York Mayor at the time, Rudy Giuliani, seemed to declare war on photographers. He had the police block off more than a square mile surrounding the World Trade Center, calling it a crime scene. The Mayor ordered that anyone with a camera who even stopped or stood still near the area should be arrested and jailed.

    Why did he do this? Was the former Mayor trying to get back at a press who was not always kind to him? Giuliani likes to think of himself as a serious photographer. Did he want to save the photo opportunities for himself?

    Check it out here.


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    From SuperTouch:

    As a director of some of the most acclaimed highbrow B-movies of all time, Supertouch amigo JOHN WATERS needs no further introduction. Quietly working the night shift as a fine artist for years now, the Baltimore-bound obsessive’s hard work has finally landed him a spot in the most hallowed hall of the modern art world, namely, the GAGOSIAN GALLERY, where the artist’s solo “Rear Projection” show opened to a throng of Hollywood players, weirdos, fanboys and girls, and well-wishing lookie-loos on Saturday nite

    Check it out here.


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    Check it out here.


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    From Ovation TV: Make Life Creative:

    Ovation is running the Genius of Photography series again this week as well as some other great shows. The Eloquent Nude that tells the story of Charis Wilson and Ed Weston. Photographers at Work: Portraits has profiles of McCurry, Lacombe, Jay Maisel and others..

    Check it out here.

    Submitted by Jason.


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    photo by David Burnett

    From We’re Just Sayin: Frank at the National:

    We photographers all wish we could get someone to just pay us to wander and shoot great pictures.

    Check it out here.

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  • inside the photographers_studio from andrew hetherington on Vimeo.

    via Andrew Hetherington.


  • From The Media Equation – Newspapers Begin to Push Back on the Web – NYTimes.com:

    Robert Thomson, the editor of The Wall Street Journal, was equally blunt, though in service of the original argument. “There is no doubt that certain Web sites are best described as parasites or tech tapeworms in the intestines of the Internet,” he told the newspaper The Australian last Monday.

    Check it out here.


  • From Adobe and Nikon | Nikon Rumors:

    I am not sure what this statement exactly means, but the bottom line is “Nikon intends to cooperate with Adobe”

    Check it out here.
