• dvafoto says:

    Huffington Post has put another nail in the coffin of the notion of a paying career in journalism. Now, instead of just contributing to the site for free (where does that $20+ million in seed money go?), would-be Huffington Post writers can pay for the chance to be an intern at the site.


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    Kitsune Noir says:

    Gregory Crewdson is a New York photographer who takes these amazingly surreal, production-heavy photos that evoke this really surreal and almost creepy feeling to them. The way he lights is photos is crazy, almost like a movie would be set up.

    Check under the cut for a video of him talking about his process as well as a behind the scenes of a shoot he did.

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    Chip says:

    I know that keeping a molding, crumbling building as is really isn’t possible, so that’s whay I photograph these places in their current state – sort of an architectural purgatory.


  • The Spinning Head says:

    Raza was my rock.  He was my eyes and ears on the dangerous Pakistani frontier with Afghanistan. He was the only person in Pakistan I trusted with my life and I repeatedly placed it in his hands. He never ever let me down.

    He was officially a fixer, but Raza Khan was far, far more than that.


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    washingtonpost.com says:

    In announcing the shift today, the White House said in a statement that Obama “strongly believes that the release of these photos, particularly at this time, would only serve the purpose of inflaming the theaters of war, jeopardizing US forces, and making our job more difficult in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.”


  • Moose says:

    The #8 email I receive is, “How do you pack your camera bag?” Well, here you go, this is how I do it.

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    Verve, The New Breed of Documentary Photographers says:

    Audrey Bardou (b.1975, France) lives and works in the south of France. Audrey’s approach in photographing other people’s lives, is to explore both the intimate and the personal.


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    Marc Silber says:

    As an avid surfer myself,  if was especially fun interviewing Surfing Magazine’s Senior Staff photographer, Jeff Flindt

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    Patrick Romero


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    Dan Havlik, PDN says:

    “Photographers need real reasons to upgrade past 39-megapixel digital backs,” Phase One CEO Henrik Håkonsson says in the release. “Real value includes higher resolution but also requires new functions, faster operation, higher quality through expanded sensitivity, increased dynamic range, better results in the studio or on location and a better longer-term investment.”

    Though that’s a canned quote, it’s an argument photographers need to seriously consider if they’re thinking of jumping back into the megapixel race. Because along with offering mind-blowing amounts of resolution—and images shot with the P 65+ really are mind-blowing—the camera system sets another unofficial record, this time in the conspicuous consumption category. Packaged together, the Phase One P65+ back and 645 camera sells for just a hair under $42,000.



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    Fraction Magazine issue 7


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    Gadget Lab | Wired.com says:

    Pete Tsai took a look and though “I can do that.” The other way to hook up a Nikon camera to a computer is via USB, so why not Wireless USB (WUSB)? He bought an off-the-shelf adapter and, with minimal tweaking, got full remote access. The price? $40.


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    Drew Gardner says:

    5 years ago I embarked on an interesting project

    ‘The Descendants’

    Where I recreate paintings or photographs of the famous historical figures using their direct descendant


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    Eliane Laffont says:

    “Photojournalism” is a word that evokes heroic stories and the call of adventure. It is a mirror of the world and a witness to its time. When Jean Pierre  and I—along with our French partners — created the photo agencies Gamma in 1968 and Sygma in 1973, we wanted to redefine the nature of photojournalism and reveal and explain the world’s great events. We consciously built a new platform. And it was not by chance that these two photo agencies grew so quickly. We were successful because we invented a new way of reporting the news and a new way of working with photographers that, despite many challenges, is still alive today.

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    America’s Finest News Source says:

    As community leaders and members of the press looked on, Detroit mayor David Bing proudly hurled the first brick this week in a window-shattering ceremony for the city’s newest dilapidated slum.


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    dvafoto says:

    VII and the International Committee of the Red Cross have just unveiled their globe-spanning project documenting current humanitarian crises, “Our World At War.” The work includes: Lebanon by Franco Pagetti, Afghanistan by James Nachtwey, Haiti by Ron Haviv, Caucasus by Antonin Kratochvil, Liberia by Christopher Morris, Colombia by Franco Pagetti, Philippines by James Nachtwey, and Congo by Ron Haviv.

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    A Picture’s Worth says:

    First of all, Ami Vitale might be the nicest person in the world.

    Secondly, she’s obviously one of the most talented photographers in the world (and the fact that she’s a PhotoShelter user makes it all the more sweet).


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    photos by ben fredman


  • Photofocus says:

    Do you know of a website or blog that has published your photographs without your permission? If so, you should become familiar with the The Digital Millennium Copyright Act – DMCA
