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    Feature Shoot says:

    For several years now, photographer Floriane de Lassée has been building Night Views, a series in which vast cityscapes and the intimate lives of the people who inhabit them are brought together in a provocative fusion


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    RESOLVE — the liveBooks photo blog says:

    Daniel Beltra has turned his passion for nature and his frequent work for Greenpeace into an award-winning career, including World Press Photo, Pictures of the Year International, National Press Photographers Association, and Lucies awards — he calls his recent success “a snowball.” We couldn’t help but ask what got the snowball rolling in the first place.


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    Conscientious says:

    Those who were unable to come to the panel on blogging at this year’s New York Photography Festival can find a video of almost the whole discussion


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    Lens Blog – NYTimes.com says:

    Lens is the photojournalism blog of The New York Times, presenting the finest and most interesting visual and multimedia reporting — photographs, videos and slide shows. A showcase for Times photographers, it also seeks to highlight the best work of other newspapers, magazines and news and picture agencies; in print, in books, in galleries, in museums and on the Web. And it will draw on The Times’s own pictorial archive, numbering in the millions of images and going back to the early 20th century.

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    Boing Boing says:

    “Charlie Skelton, reporting for the Guardian from outside the apparent location of this year’s Bilderberg Conference [ed: s33kr1t high-powered meeting of financial leaders and politicos], has been intimidated out of the area and is still being hassled on the Athens subway – series of reports and photos of the goons, who are by turns terrifying and comically incompetent.


  • Boing Boing says:

    Here’s a scan of the NYPD Operations Order “Investigation of Individuals Engaged In Suspicious Photography and Video Surveillance,” a document issued last month by the Department telling cops in no uncertain terms to stop hassling photographers who shoot in public places, and to get a warrant before searching a camera


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    dvafoto says:

    David Lynch has unveiled a teaser for “Interview Project,” which will debut June 1, 2009. In Lynch’s own words, “Inteview Project is a road trip where people have been found and interviewed…there was no plan really…. [It] is a 20,000 mile road trip over 70 days across and back the United States…the people told their story….”


  • whats the jackanory ? says:

    Major festival buzz surrounding Tim Hetherington and his work. His ‘Sleeping Soldiers’ audio visual piece is one of the must see’s.


  • Ken Jarecke says:

    This should be required reading for anyone picking up a camera (or a pencil) with the hope of making the world a slightly better place.

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  • whats the jackanory ? says:

    video of Jacob Holdts NYPH’09 talk. Holdts appearance had been the talk of the festival and he was spotted entertaining admirers out and about at Wednesday and Thursdays parties. Jonathan Saunders delivered on the audio earlier but now comes video courtesy WTJ? Mr Holdt has led quite the life as you will see. A true original. Entertaining and informative stuff.


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    NYTimes.com says:

    What if, Justice Potter Stewart asked a lawyer for The New York Times in the Pentagon Papers case in 1971, a disclosure of sensitive information in wartime “would result in the sentencing to death of 100 young men whose only offense had been that they were 19 years old and had low draft numbers?” The Times’s lawyer, Alexander M. Bickel, tried to duck the question, but the justice pressed him:

    “You would say that the Constitution requires that it be published and that these men die?”


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    the life of m
    Melissa has four really cool posts on her blog this morning.


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    The photo became one of the war’s defining images. Mr. Van Es took other memorable pictures of the conflict, like one of a wounded soldier, a cross gleaming against his silhouette, from the battle of Hamburger Hill in May 1969. He gained a reputation for fearlessness. But for the rest of his life he was known primarily for that image from Saigon


  • Editorial Photographers UK says:

    Renowned photographer Simon Norfolk has pulled out of a major National Trust photographic project in protest over rights-grabbing terms in an associated competition run by the conservation body.


  • APAD says:

    This is a really great look at covering a war — through a photojournalist’s lens. LA Times photojournalist Rick Loomis takes you from his storage locker in California into battle in Fallouja. The self portraits over time are very telling, and there are some fun stories about drinking Saddam’s wine seeing a woman for the first time in weeks.

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    Boing Boing


  • fromJoe McNally’s Blog


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    Kevin German says:

    I am currently shooting on the set of the new movie, “Clash” or “Bay Rong” – the Vietnamese title. This film is starring two of Vietnam’s biggest stars, Johnny Tri Nguyen and Ngo Thanh Van.


  • PDN says:

    The New York Photo Festival is running through Sunday. On our PDNPulse blog, we are posting short video interviews with each of the four main curators

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